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Fashion And Brands

  • Sports group Anta is listed on the top 500 Asian Brands

  • Real leather. Stay different. International Student Design Competition 2022 in Mainland China announced the final winners

  • 361 Degrees reports the first half results and its e-commerce business

  • Xtep's first-half revenue jumped nearly 40% year on year

  • Anta Group achieves 25.965 billion yuan revenue in the first-half

  • Henan Prosper unveils its sustainability goals at Première Vision, Paris

  • Lining reports the rising of revenues to 12.409 billion yuan in H1

  • Li-Ning opens its first ‘city custom store’

  • “Leather,My Attitude” Public Short Film Competition begin to call for works

  • LVMH fashion and leather first quarter sales beat forecasts

  • LVMH says fashion, leather sales growth in China weaker in third-quarter vs second-quarter

  • LVMH fashion and leather division disappoints in first quarter

  • LVMH reports 2012 sales up 19%


  • Hermès to sue LVMH over equity swaps to build stake

  • Prada Shares Plunge to the lowest level in more than three years

  • New York Times International Luxury conference to take place at Versailles

  • Prada to introduce lower priced products

  • Foreign brands dominate local $200m leather goods market

  • Preliminary results suggest $2.75 billion in revenues for Wolverine

  • Prada warns tough times for luxury goods aren't over

  • LVMH-owned Bulgari may enter India again

  • Prada, Dior and Nike are finding a fashionable new purpose for fish skins

  • Inspiration and business targets at Cuir à Paris

  • Adidas fights to draw top talent to HQ in sleepy Bavarian town(1)

  • Lucrin offers luxury leather as you like it

  • Ho Chi Minh City hosts Vietnam Fashion Fair

  • Prada to operate directly all its stores in Switzerla

  • Prada's profit falls 20%, hit by fall in leather goods sales

  • Prada sees no revenue growth this year, to open fewer stores

  • 共110条记录 按每页翻页


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