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Preliminary results suggest $2.75 billion in revenues for Wolverine

Preliminary results suggest $2.75 billion in revenues for Wolverine




Outdoor footwear group Wolverine Worldwide has announced preliminary full-year results for 2014, showing revenue of $2.75 billion, representing growth of 2.6% compared to the previous year.

Other highlights the company has pointed to in the preliminary results are that it looks to have been able to reduce debt by around $250 million in 2014.

In comments he made on releasing the results, chief executive, Blake Krueger, said: “We finished the year with a strong quarter, and we expect fiscal 2014 to be successful by any number of measures. The company remains focused on driving growth across our portfolio, and our expected strong earnings performance and cash-flow generation for the year are a testament to our team’s disciplined execution against our global, diversified business model.”

Chief finance officer, Don Grimes, said nine of Wolverine’s 16 brands are expected to deliver double-digit revenue growth for the fourth quarter of last year.



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