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“Leather,My Attitude” Public Short Film Competition begin to call for works

“Leather,My Attitude” Public Short Film Competition begin to call for works



Author:ran fulin

“Leather,My Attitude” Public Short Film Competition jointly launched on July 30 by CLIA, Beijing "Rayli" Magazine,Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd.,Hongxing Automotive Leather (Fujian) Development Co. LTD., in Haining city, Li Yuzhong, vice chairman of China National Light Industry Council, chairmen of China Leather Industry Association, Cai Yilei, vice president of Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd., took part in the launching ceremony of competition, which will last until the end of September.

“Leather,My Attitude”Competition is the first public short film shooting competition that focus on natural leather material, and highlights the leather products features. The competition is aimed to show the unique beauty of leather products and Personalization for fashionistas, and express consumers' special emotion and their positive attitude towards fashion leather products, the competition will be a big fashion feast that we will enjoy it with our consumer together.

The shooting works for the competition can involve seven aspects: interesting, emotion, fashion, creation, knowledge, attitude and other creative. As long as you shooting works arecentered around the theme of leather products (footwear, bags, leather clothes, leather sofas, auto interior and seats, belts and other small leather goods, leather crafts, etc.), they can be submitted for the competition.

Nowadays, the registration for the competition has launched,Participantscan log on the website of CLIA or CLIA’s Wechat to register for the competition.





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