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Inspiration and business targets at Cuir à Paris

Inspiration and business targets at Cuir à Paris




Saga Furs’ stand hosted fashion makers from around the world at the 16-18 September at Cuir à Paris leather and fur fair. Visitors met with Saga Furs staff to find the latest innovative trends and ideas for enhancing collections – and business.

The 432 exhibitors at Cuir à Paris attracted 16,231 visitors from 120 countries. The leather and fur fair is part of the Premiere Vision united fairs that drew more than 62,000 visitors.

“It is extremely important for Saga Furs to have a prominent presence at the fair, considering fur is an element in trend. Our stand was the spot where designers found innovative technique samples as well as beautiful raw materials,” says marketing director/CMO Jan Erik Carlson.

Designers find materials and innovation for building collections

The fair was a buzz of activity as fashion companies searched for materials to be used in upcoming seasons.

“My general impression of the fair is that designers are all-in for inspiration. The tendency seems to be toward a mix of fur types, with delicate design taking the lead,” says head of design and innovation Dorte Lenau Klint. “Fashion wants more and more real fur; it was difficult to find fake fur, a fact that further strengthens our position as a supplier of a natural, sustainable material,”

“Our stand was a hub for reciprocal business opportunities for us and the fashion industry,” says Carlson. “For three fully booked days we hosted designer appointments and prospective new business partners. It was truly an essential and valuable fair for Saga Furs.”


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