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Ho Chi Minh City hosts Vietnam Fashion Fair

Ho Chi Minh City hosts Vietnam Fashion Fair




As many as 200 garment and textile companies are attending the Vietnam Fashion Fair 2014 (VIFF 2014) taking place at the Tan Binh Exhibition and Convention Centre from September 24-29.

The event has drawn the participation of famous brands such as Viet Tien, Nha Be, Duc Giang, May 10, Hoa Tho and Hanoisimex.

The exhibition’s roughly 300 stalls are showcasing differing kinds of garments and textiles, footwear, jewellery and other luxury products, as well as new collections for the latest fashion season.

The annual fair provides a golden occasion for companies to advertise their products to local and foreign businesses and seek more market opportunities.

Within the framework of the event, a wide range of activities including a fashion show, an exchange, and a music performance are planned.


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