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Anta Group achieves 25.965 billion yuan revenue in the first-half

Anta Group achieves 25.965 billion yuan revenue in the first-half



Author:ran fulin

On August 23, Chinese sports goods giant Anta announced its first-half report. After Posting its strongest annual report ever in 2021, Anta's growth from a high base remains impressive. The report shows that in the first half of 2022, Anta Group achieved revenue of 25.965 billion yuan, up 13.8% year on year, which is also the highest of revenue that has achieved in half-year for Chinese sports brands so far, becoming the largest sports brand in China.

According to Anta’s strategic target, it is expected to achieve a compound annual growth of 18-25% in the next 5 years. The online business will grow at a compound annual rate of over 30%, and will account for 40% of sales in 2025.

Anta said "despite the uncertainties caused by the complex situation at home and abroad and the COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis also brings us new opportunities, for instance all over the world of consumers are enthusiastic abouthealthandsportsthat provides the sneaker and apparel market a huge opportunities. "





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