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2024 China Nanjing Lukou International Fur Expo held on August 5th to 7th

2024 China Nanjing Lukou International Fur Expo held on August 5th to 7th



Author:Wang Dianhua

Photo by Wang Dianhua

From August 5th to 7th, the 2024 China Nanjing Lukou International Fur Expo was held in Lukou fur market. This expo was jointly organized by the Nanjing and Lukou local government related departments and the runners of the market. Chen Zhanguang, Vice Chairman of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA), Huang Yanjie, Deputy Secretary-General of CLIA, and Wang Dianhua, Director of China Fur Commission of CLIA, were invited to attend the event.

At the opening ceremony of the expo, various activities were held, including the awarding ceremony for the ‘fur processing and craftsmanship heritage protection base’, the launching ceremony for the ‘National Fur Craftsman Talent Pool’, the credit granting ceremony between Lukou fur enterprises and banks, and the signing ceremony for strategic cooperations. Chen Zhanguang announced the opening of the expo.

Photo by Wang Dianhua

After the opening ceremony, Chen Zhanguang, accompanied by Qin Ting, the secretary of the CCP Working Committee of Lukou, visited the exhibitors in the expo and participated in the opening ceremony of the KC Fur Flagship Store in Lukou. In the evening, there were an awarding ceremony for exhibitors as well as Fur Gala show, which showcased the latest fur collections for 2024 winter season in Lukou.

It is reported that this expo integrates diverse services such as product displays, trade talks, procurement transactions, and brand promotions. Nearly 300 representatives from fur wholesale and retail businesses in Northeast, North, and Northwest of China participated in the expo.

After the expo, Chen Zhanguang and his delegation visited some fur enterprises in Lukou, asked for the current situation of them, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges regarding the development direction of the industry.

This article has been translated from the original Chinese by ZhangYajie.





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