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China Leather Chemical Commission of China Leather Industry Association

China Leather Chemical Commission of China Leather Industry Association




General Introduction

China Leather Chemical Commission approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs is affiliated to China Leather Industry Association .Its task is to better serve and improve the overall status of China leather chemical industry. It consists of enterprises producing leather chemical products and distributors which are members of China Leather Industry Association.

Service Content

● Focus on industrial trends: organize industrial research plans; collect, sort and analyze industrial data; report industrial issues to related governmental departments , release industrial development trends along with import and export information to all members.

● Promote independent brands: implement brands strategy, support local enterprises to create international brands, enhance competitiveness of national brands; organize technical training, and improve technical standards and innovation abilities.

● Improve environmental administration: improve environmental protection awareness, promote the education of energy conservation and emission reduction technics and support the manufacturing of environmentally friendly products.

● Participate in standard revision: improve, revise and formulate industrial standardization work in line with local and international standards.

● Strengthen enterprise communication: coordinate relations between enterprises while encouraging cooperation between them. Promote the use of up to date technology, products and methods.


Leather Chemical industry is the downstream of the tanning industry, and provides raw materials for leather and fur processing.

Leather chemical products which are special fine chemicals exclusively used for leather processing are generally divided into five categories, namely: tanning agent, fatting agent, finishing agent, special additives, and special dyes.

According to statistics, in 2012, China’s leather chemical products exports amounted to about 53,000 tons, or about 120 million USD, and imports of about 336,000 tons, or about 940 million USD.

Contact Information

Director: Huang Yanjie

Tel: 010-65132313

Fax: 010-65270948


Address: Rm. 709,Tower C2, Finance Fortune Center, No. 18, Xizhimenwai Ave, Xicheng District, Beijing

Post Code: 100044


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