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China Tanners Commission of China Leather Industry Association

China Tanners Commission of China Leather Industry Association




General Introduction

China Tanners Commission is a branch affiliated to China Leather Industry Association.Its main task is to provide better services to the tanning industry so as to improve the overall level of Chinese tanning industry. China Tanners Commission consists of leather manufacturers, hides, skins and leather traders, as well as other relevant enterprises.

Service Content

● Link government and tanning industry, drive the industry to put into effect various policies, boost research and development, proceed industrial analysis, and reflect important issues to the government.

● With the Environmental Protection Working Group, China Tanners Commission has improve environmental protection consciousness of tanneries, assist authorities to formulate and implement environmental protection standard and policies; actively promote cleaning and waste treatment technologies, and develop a low carbon and eco tanning industry.

● Implement brand strategy, and carry out the certification trademark “Eco-Leather Mark” to drive the upgrading of tanning industry structure.

● Form reasonable distribution of tanning industry, and promote the development mode of concentrating production, and cultivate 5-8 tanning clusters for the transfer of the leather industry.

● Organize the tanning industrial meetings or seminars to motivate information and technological exchange, study the industry’s main problems, and sort out the blue print of the tanning industry.

● Strengthen the standardization work, formulate, revise and promote the industrial standards.

● Promote the communication and cooperation between the tanning industry and upstream and downstream industry, as well as international exchanges and cooperation.

Industry Introduction

Tanning is the basis of the whole leather industrial chain. At present, there are more than 700 tanning enterprises above the designated size in China, with over 150,000 employees and a gross industrial output of more than 170 billion Yuan.The finished leather made by the tanning enterprises above the designated size has reached 700 million square meters,accounting for about a quarter of the world total leather production.

Chinese tanning enterprises are mainly distributed in regions of Hebei, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong and Henan . At present, a batch of leather clusters are being built in the eastern, central as well as northeastern of China.

Contact Information

Director: Chen Zhanguang

Contact Person: Zhou Cheng, Chen Zhanguang

Tel: 010-85113971; 85113975

Fax: 010-65270948


Address: Rm. 709, Tower C2, Finance Fortune Center, No. 18, Xizhimenwai Ave, Xicheng District, Beijing

Post Code: 100044




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