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China Leather &Shoe Machinery Commission of China Leather Industry Association

China Leather &Shoe Machinery Commission of China Leather Industry Association




General Introduction

China Leather &Shoe Machinery Commission approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs is affiliated to China Leather Industry Association .Its task is to serve the leather industry’s machinery enterprises and promote its development. Its service target includes: leather machinery production, product distributing enterprises, scientific research institutions and trade firms.

Service Content

● Link the government and tanning industry, provide services for industrial development.

● Organize technological exchanges, convene Development Planning. Forums and China Leather &Shoe Machinery Commission Annual Meeting.

● Participate in the drafting and the revision of industrial standards.

● Promote cooperation between the leather and shoe machinery industry and its enterprises, improve product technological standard as to meet the leather industry’s needs.

● Strengthen international exchanges, contact foreign organizations and offer effective services to its industry while introducing global advanced technology and market development.

● Organize enterprises to participate in exhibitions and meetings both locally and internationally.

Industry Introduction

China is a major world leather and shoes machinery producer with annual sales volumes exceeding 6 billion Yuan. At present, there are 200 leather and shoes machinery enterprises with over 10,000 employees.

China’s leather machinery production sites are mainly located in North, South , East ,Northeast and other regions of China . More than 90% of enterprises are distributed in Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning and other provinces.

Contact Information

Director: Wang Dan

Tel: 010-5166016

Fax: 010-6605242

E-mail: wangdan88@hotmail.com

Address: No. 33, Xihuangchenggen South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Post Code: 100032


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