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2024 China (Yuyao) International Fur Fashion Expo held on August 8th

2024 China (Yuyao) International Fur Fashion Expo held on August 8th



Author:Written and Photographed by Wang Dianhua

On August 8th, the 2024 China (Yuyao) International Fur Fashion Expo was held at the China Fur Industrial Park Exhibition Center in Yuyao city, Zhejiang Province.

Chen Zhanguang, Vice Chairman of the China Leather Industry Association (CLIA), delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He pointed out that Yuyao, is one of China's significant manufacture bases for mink coat, and has been jointly honored with the title of "China's Mink Coat Industrial Basement" by the China National Light Industry Council (CNLIC) and CLIA. The China (Yuyao) International Fur Fashion Expo serves as a crucial platform integrating new collection releases of fur coat and related products, orderings, tradings, business interactions, and information exchanges.

At the opening ceremony, Chen Zhanguang issued a plaque inscribed with "China's Mink Coat Industrial Basement - Yuyao" to the Yuyao local Government.

In the evening, a fur fashion show themed "Brilliance" was also held.

This article has been translated from the original Chinese by Zhang Yajie.





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