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The results of the 2024 “Leather & Fur, My Attitude ” micro-video public welfare competition released

The results of the 2024 “Leather & Fur, My Attitude ” micro-video public welfare competition released




On June 15, the review meeting for the 2024 "Leather & Fur, My Attitude" micro-video public welfare competition, co-organized by China Leather Industry Association (CLIA), Beijing Rayli Magazine Co., Ltd., and Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd., was held both online and offline.

Since its launch in March 2024, the competition has received 179 entries. The organizing committee invited judging experts to select 105 works for the finals after an initial evaluation. The final results were determined by a combination of expert evaluations and online platform ratings. In the end, one first prize, three second prizes, five third prizes, six special awards, and ten finalists were awarded for the social group and the student group respectively. Meanwhile, 15 organizations with outstanding performance in organizing the competition were awarded "The Best Organization Award".

Starting from the end of June, the prize-winning works will be published and promoted on platforms such as TikTok, Kwai, RED, and Bilibili. Some of the prize-winning works will also be translated into English with subtitles for publication on international communication platforms. A grand award ceremony will be held in early September this year during the same period of 2024 Shanghai ACLE.





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