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Major Brazilian presence at ACLE 2014

Major Brazilian presence at ACLE 2014




The 2014 edition of the All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE) will witness the largest Brazilian participation for some time. The show is expecting more than 22,000 visitors in Shanghai, September 3-5 with Brazilian tanners looking to build greater business opportunities in China. There will be 24 companies from Brazil exhibiting their leather and leather related products at the show.

The Brazilian pavilion is supported by the Brazilian Leather project, an initiative of the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) for the promotion of leather exports.

According to the Executive President of CICB, José Fernando Bello, ACLE is focused on business and their aim is surpassing the US$200 million mark in sales for Brazilian companies.

In order to make Brazil’s participation in the event even more fruitful, the Brazilian Leather project will organise a preparatory meeting in Shanghai with all Brazilian companies participating at the ACLE to provide a networking opportunity with local buyers.

“Cesar Yu, from Apex-Brasil Business Centre in Beijing, will speak about the Chinese macroeconomic scenario, and CICB representatives will cover the market and its opportunities for Brazilian tanneries”, says Bello.

Brazil will also present in Shanghai the Preview do Couro (Leather Preview) exhibition, with hides and skins specially developed for the upcoming season.


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