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The theme of the leather industry to achieve smooth growth unchanged

The theme of the leather industry to achieve smooth growth unchanged



Author:ran fulin

"In the view of long run, the foundation and overall trend of the development of China industry is still healthy, China is still the world's most important country on the production of leather and its products, trading and consumption, the theme of the leather industry to achieve smooth growth is still unchanged, and the prospects of the industry are still optimistic." Said Li Yuzhong, president of CLIA, at recently held annual meeting of CLIA, he further made an in-depth analysis of the current economic situation of the leather industry, and predicted the future development trend of the industry.

Li said that four features were shown on China leather industry in 2022. First, the industry as a whole maintained stable performance, and the industry sees slight fluctuations on the economic indicators; Second, the products of footwear and handbag have made a great contribution to the overall export value of the industry that exceeded 100 billion US dollars in 2022; Third, in the context of the global economic downturn, the export of China's leather industry has achieved growth, showing the cost-effective advantage of made in China; Fourth, in the second half of 2022, the industry business index began to decline month by month, seeing a downward V-shaped reversal, in the first half of 2023 the industry was inevitably affected by the Inertial downturn, despite that, the leather industry achieved smooth performance, and the leather industry will be still optimistic in 2023.

According to CLIA, China leather industry will unswervingly implement the "Guidance on Promoting the high-quality Development of Light Industry" and the "14th Five-Year" high-quality Development Guidance on the Leather Industry, and establish a modern leather industry system with active innovation, higher added value and more sustainable development, so as to achieve the steady, sustainable and healthy development of China leather industry.





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