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2024 Annual Meeting of China Young Entrepreneurs Committee of CLIA Held in Maotai Town, Guizhou

2024 Annual Meeting of China Young Entrepreneurs Committee of CLIA Held in Maotai Town, Guizhou




On May 25, the 2024 Annual Meeting of China Young Entrepreneurs Committee of CLIA was held in Maotai Town, Guizhou Province. With the theme of 'Breakthrough in Mind, Seeking Win-Win Development', the meeting focused on the development trend of the leather industry in the new era and how enterprises leverage the innovation capacity to make the breakthrough and develop New Quality Productive Forces.
Zhang Yan, the Secretary-General of China Leather Industry Association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She pointed out that the leather industry is not only a traditional industry, but also a fashion industry and a sunrise industry. Under the background of historical changes of the time, young entrepreneurs have the responsibility and obligation to make good positioning and planning in terms of product innovation, management innovation, sales mode innovation, as well as intellectualization and brand development.
The ceremony of passing the Meeting Cup and adding committee members was also held at the annual meeting. Three entrepreneurs shared their innovative practices, experience and lessons in the enterprise development. The annual meeting delegates also discussed on the topic of 'How can enterprises innovate by breaking through tradition .'





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