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Trumpler to present chrome VI prevention agent at ACLE

Trumpler to present chrome VI prevention agent at ACLE




At the 2014 All China Leather Exhibition in Shanghai (September 2-4), leather chemicals manufacturer Trumpler has said it will present innovative products and recipes for leather types and all segments of leather production: beamhouse, dyehouse and finishing.

In addition, Trumpler will present the latest fashion trends for autumn-winter 2015-2016.

According to the company, highlights will include TRUPOZYM CBL, a newly designed ammonium salt-free bating agent with enhanced degreasing properties. Trumpler has said this product will “recognisably improve” the scud loosening and cleanliness of pelts, without any negative impact on structure and tightness.

Another product on display in Shanghai will be TRUPOSOL AMF, which Trumpler says is particularly suitable for automotive leather as well as for softy leathers, “guaranteeing an excellent cost-performance-ratio”. Leathers produced with this fatliquor exhibit what the company has called “outstanding inner softness along with extremely fine grain characteristics and a pleasant round handle”.

TRUPON LH is a new, highly concentrated lecithin-based fatliquor, especially designed for all types of soft leathers. It “relaxes” the grain and will help tanners produce leathers that exhibit high levels of softness along with a pleasant, round, slightly waxy handle, the company said.

Finally, TRUPOFIX SA2 is an auxiliary agent designed to prevent the formation of chrome VI. TRUPOFIX SA2 helps to prevent the oxidation of chrome III to chrome VI and reduce any existing chrome VI content in wet blue hides, according to Trumpler. The product can be applied at wet blue, crust or finishing stages and touch, colour and physical properties remain unchanged, the company has claimed.


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