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Tanneries in Brazil expect sales of $200 million in Shanghai ACLE

Tanneries in Brazil expect sales of $200 million in Shanghai ACLE




Twenty-four Brazilian companies taking part in this year’s “All China Leather Exhibition” (ACLE), held in Shanghai, expect to sign sales deals worth over US$200 million, according to an industry association.

The chief executive of the Centre for Tannery Industries of Brazil (CICB), José Fernando Bello, said the Brazilian tanneries would arrive in Shanghai with great international recognition behind them.

Participation of Brazilian companies in ACLE is supported by the “Brazilian Leather” project, an initiative of the Centre for Tannery Industries of Brazil and Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion (Apex-Brazil) to drive leather exports.

Another highlight of Brazil’s participation in the exhibition is the Leather Preview expo, which showcases leathers that are especially designed for the season following the one designers are working on.

The organisers of the All China Leather Exhibition, held in Shanghai from 3 to 5 September, expect over 22,000 people to visit the fair.


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