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Heusch take an international approach to the ACLE

Heusch take an international approach to the ACLE




“Our success story continues!” says Thomas H. Schaefer, Managing Director of splitting and shaving blade specialist, Heusch who are based in Germany. “2013 was a record year for the company in the leather industry and 2014 also looks very promising.”

Heusch asserts its continuous international expansion on a dual strategy of innovative products and technology, and the opening up of new markets with new local partnerships.

In 2013, Heusch launched ‘Excalibur’ the first corrosion resistant fleshing and shaving blade produced from stainless steel. With its outstanding hardness properties and increased durability it has become a new benchmark for leather machinery blades.

Special blades for ‘Greenfleshing’ in EA and ‘Excalibur’ maintain leather quality during the fleshing process. Additionally, the damage caused by process chemicals decreases, which is extremely helpful for tanners operating liquor-recycling systems.

Heusch separate the global market into three regions: the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. Each area is managed by a Sales Manager, who lives in the region allowing the company to be closer to its customers.

An important target for sales has been relating to the development of the tanning industries in Brazil and China. The company have also experienced higher-than-average growth in Mexico, Argentina, Turkey and Indonesia and have worked with leading leather maker, PrimeAsia on rigorous Excalibur trials, which have demonstrated the superiority of the company’s blades.


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