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Vietnam becomes largest leather hiking shoes exporter in RoK

Vietnam becomes largest leather hiking shoes exporter in RoK




Vietnam has surpassed China to become the biggest exporter of leather hiking shoe to the Republic of Korea (RoK) with a market share of 42.9 percent, according to a report released by Korea Customs Services on March 18.

The report also stated that RoK’s leather shoe imports are tending to taper off as lighter fabric hiking shoes are favoured by most consumers.

Import revenue fell 7.6% annually consecutively from 2010-2014 with an especially large plunge of 16.1% to US$41 million in 2014.

Meanwhile, average import prices for the commodity increase by 10.5% each year, with a rise of 2.4% last year to US$34.69 each pair.-Vietnam has surpassed China to become the biggest exporter of leather hiking shoe to the RoK with a market share of 42.9%, according to a report released by Korea Customs Services on March 18.

The report also stated that RoK’s leather shoe imports are tending to taper off as lighter fabric hiking shoes are favoured by most consumers.

Import revenue fell 7.6% annually consecutively from 2010-2014 with an especially large plunge of 16.1% to US$41 million in 2014.

Meanwhile, average import prices for the commodity increase by 10.5% each year, with a rise of 2.4% last year to US$34.69 each pair.


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