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服务化:客户-供应商关系的一种创新模式——Sergio Dulio

服务化:客户-供应商关系的一种创新模式——Sergio Dulio



作者:Sergio DULIO


Graduated in aerospace engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, Sergio DULIO first worked in theaerospace and ICT industry before joigning the footwear industry in the late 1980s. He heldseveral positions in the public sector as Director of research consortia and Coordinator ofnational and European collaborative projects related to innovative leather cutting systems andshoe machinery. From the mid-2000s until his current position as Head of ATOMLab, he workedas technical consultant and project coordinator in the private sector, mainly for associations ofshoe producers and manufacturers. Sergio DULIO is active in disseminating information throughhis participation in conferences and congresses, his articles in specialized press and his lectureson footwear technologies.


The relationship between technology providers and the users of such technologies has beenknown and considered so far as a very traditional client – supplier contractual partnership; littleor no evolutions have been introduced on this matter in the past years. A new relationshipmodel is nevertheless emerging: servitization. In this new kind of business model traditionalsystem or machine suppliers develop a brand new role: form sellers of machines they transforminto performance providers, being measured and remunerated on a totally different basis: notanymore on the price of the items sold but on the production they will perform, on the savingsthey bring along and on the fulfilment of a set of KPI (Key Performance Indicators). The mainelements of this new service paradigm will be presented, showing how they may completelychange role and relationships in the whole technology pipeline. As an example, the conceptualwork and the on-going projects in the newly established Research and Innovation Unit of theAtom Group (Italy), named ATOMLab, will be presented and commented.

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