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The Technical Guidelines for Export of Leather & its Products to be renewed

The Technical Guidelines for Export of Leather & its Products to be renewed



Author:Yang junhua

The Technical Guidelines on Leather & Leather Products Export(hereinafter referred to as the" technical guidelines") officially released by Ministry of Commerce in 2003. In 2006 and in 2009 China Leather Industry Association (CLIA) had been twice updated the technical guidelines with authorization of Ministry of Commerce. By the end of 2014 the Ministry of Commerce commissioned CLIA to renewed guidelines in order to help the leather industry timely understanding and adapt the constantly changing to the world trade environment.

The technical guidelines will be given the improvement on several aspects, such as the basic situation of finished leather and footwear for export, the different standards in leather and footwear sectors between China and the world, the different technical regulations, standards and quality evaluation in targeted market, the common cases of technical trade measures and quality inspection came across by China's enterprises in export will be analyzed in the new guidelines.

At present, China's leather industry keeps a relatively stable growth, but bearing a huge pressure of downward, especially in export that is affected by international financial crisis, and faces many difficulties. In recent years, in wake of changes taken place in international trade environment various trade barriers were escalating, and standards in some countries and regions became more restriction.

The renewed technical guidelines will facility the export-orientated enterprises in leather industry to know the trade trend and new regulations of the overseas market, and will also increase the awareness of protecting interesting of exported enterprises by avoiding economy losses, so as to achieve order and stable export business.

The renewed technical guidelines are expected to be released in February 2015.


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