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About CLIA

About CLIA


Source:The Chinaleather.org


China Leather Industry Association, estabished in 1998, comprises 1,300 members. China Leather Industry Association is a national organization and serves for whole China leather industry. The China Leather Industry Association covered the sectors of fur and leather making, footwear, leather garment, handbag, leather products and chemicals as well as related institutions, research institutes and colleges. As the role of a bridge and a tie between the government and enterprises, CLIA has to accomplish the work entrusted by the government, implement the government's policies and decrees, as well as promote the development of the leather industry. Meanwhile CLIA, being an important national organization, also involved in variety of works on many aspects, such as outlining the industry program, standard examination, and making survey in leather sector, supporting leather markets establishment, name brand popularization, markets expansion, organizing leather exhibitions, encourage progress of science and technology, personal training, information supplying, environmental protection and carrying out cooperation and exchange with overseas industries and so on.

To performance the name brand policy, the enuine Leather Mark?and co-Leather?was regarded as typical example of products quality self-restriction by centre government. To support the leather production based regions development, the honors of special regions of leather industry were entitled to those areas, which was regarded as typical example of production self-restriction by centre government. To facilitate exploitation of international market the exhibitions of All China Leather Exhibition (ACLE), China International Footwear Fair (CIFF) and Moda Shanghai are established and held in Shanghai annually which became the most attraction international leather fairs. To ensure the sustainable development of china leather industry, he Second Phase Strategic Development?was put forward for realizing the goal of turning quantity production country to the quality production country and establishing 3 or 5 international favorable brands within 10 to 15 years.



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